I've read about Lean Startup Marketing, so when the local entrepreneurs Meetup group offered a chance to learn from those who had undergone the three day process, I took it.
The concept is straightforward:
The concept is straightforward:
- Define the customer
- Define the problem
- Define the solution
- Validate at each step, several times if necessary and "pivot" (a Lean Startup term) to a new offering, when your potential customers blow up your ideas.
If it sounds like marketing 101, it is.
But the key, as these budding entrepreneurs noted repeatedly, was how important it was to "get out of the building." Many were coders, and admittedly fell in love with developing their product. One team mentioned they had spent two years in development, without ever talking with any potential users - when forced, they learned that absolutely no one had any interest in buying. Within three days, they completely redefined their offering and now appear to have a fighting chance at success.
Yes, there are issues, as with any process, particularly a simple (some say simplistic) one. Even last night, there were questions about the validity of the customer "research" process (typically, entrepreneurs will interview 20 people for their input, with little or no research design, understanding of sample bias, or statistical analysis).
But that misses the point. The point is to get real customer feedback, as any seasoned marketer knows (statistically significant research can always be conducted, and should be, when significant investments are required). For many entrepreneurs this is a revelation.
Unfortunately it is for many decision makers as well.
So, get out of the building.
Client focus matters.
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