Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A $3 latte worth $506,628???

It is if:
  • You save that $3 a day and invest it weekly in the stock market
  • You're in your 20s, and continue this for 40 years
  • The stock market matches its historical average return of 10%
The power of compounding is amazing. Do the math, here; if you're not familiar with financial calculations, start with 0 for your Present Value (assume you have nothing now); enter 40 Years (if you're in your 20s), compound your interest rate Annually, at a 10% Rate, your Contribution is that weekly $21 saved by not buying the daily latte (discipline counts: you must do this each and every week; set up an automatic contribution into an index fund). Finally, push the Future button.

So, millennials, ask your self each morning, how much is that $3 latte worth?

Knowledge matters.

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