Sunday, April 20, 2014

Smart is Dumb, and..

...dumb is smart.

I was reminded of the importance of what I read about years ago in the best-selling negotiating guide, Getting to Yes, watching TURN, AMC's new drama about America's first spy ring in the American Revolution. In episode two, a Captain in the Continental army charged with creating the spy ring, serves dinner to a captured British Captain in a gesture of apparent civility between officers. At the end of the meal, the British Captain, wishing to reciprocate, gives away the exact information the the Continentals needed. The dialog:
British Captain: "Now then, to business. What is it you wish to know?"
American Captain: "Oh nothing, sir. We already know all we need to know."
BC: "Truly? You know where we mean to strike after retaking New York?"
AC: "We know you have four thousand men stationed at Throgs Neck in Brooklyn, New York, as part of your occupation force."
BC: (incredulously) "Four thousand??? (derisive snort) Try six!"
Good information is critical to success, whatever your decision-making endeavor - military, negotiations, strategy, marketing, sales... And, it requires careful planning to obtain, and validate.

Just don't let your ego get in the way.

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