Saturday, November 15, 2008

Compensating Directors

Excerpt: "Greater regulatory requirements and shareholder desire for increased accountability have led to greater demands on board members in general and on the audit and compensation committee in particular. Although the rate of increase has slowed in the last few years, a Hay Group study found that board compensation has increased 34 percent over the last five years, or 6.7 percent annually for the top 250 NYSE and NASDAQ companies."

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Advice for Obama's First 100 Days

My Hay Group colleagues, Scott Spreier and John Larrere, culled this advice for a Business Week article from their experience studying and working with leaders around the world: he should immediately start taking the following six steps, so that by the end of his first 100 days in office he has established his credibility as a global leader and has begun moving the country forward:
  1. Assume a dual leadersip role of figurehead and visionary.
  2. Create a solid, sustained narrative to "sell" his vision and drive it forward.
  3. Quickly grasp the scope, complexity, and diversity of his constituencies.
  4. Maintain a healthy sense of curiosity and an openness for new ideas.
  5. Create an effective leadership team that can help drive his vision.
  6. Create a unique "Presidential" self-image.
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