Thursday, July 19, 2012

What's a smile worth? Redux

In the local supermarket today, two young women offered wine tasting samples. Good location, right at the front of the store.

I walked right by.

Not because of the wine.

Neither had a welcoming smile, and their demeanor screamed "I want to be ANYWHERE BUT HERE."

Can you blame them? Of course. They shouldn't have taken a job they clearly didn't want.

But the hiring manager is the one really at fault. Either because s/he hired only for looks or because s/he did not set expectations or provide training. All the money spent on trying to differentiate that particular wine brand went to waste, because someone didn't know or care enough to focus on the desired behaviors.

How often
  • Do your employees smile when talking to customers? 
  • Do you smile when talking to customers and employees?
  • Do you start your presentations with a smile?
  • And, job seekers especially, how often do you smile, even when talking on the telephone (the listener can tell)?

Experience matters.

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