Friday, June 29, 2012

Oh brave new world: Re-imagining EVERYTHING

"After 244 years, Encyclopedia Brittanica announced the end of print editions in 2012," notes Kleiner Perkins partner Mary Meeker in what terms an "incredibly insightful presentation."

While you may already know this, and that Kindle is replacing books, Pinterest is replacing scrapbooks, NetFlix and YouTube are replacing Blockbuster and, one of my personal favorites, Yelp is replacing the Yellow Pages, did you know about:

Evernote, which replaces the notepad on your mobile device (pp. 38)?

Uber, a location aware ap that hails a professional driver to your location when you can't find a cab (pp. 57)?

DocuSign, an ap that allows you to sign any document anywhere, electronically, replacing the need to print, sign and then return a physical document (pp. 73)?

Teledoc offers 24/7 mobile access to doctors and pediatricians, who can prescribe medications for non-emergency medical issues (pp. 74)?

Said Shakespeare's Miranda in the Tempest,

O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
That has such people in't.


Innovation matters.

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