Sunday, July 17, 2011

When the tough get going, the going gets tough...

Regardless of which side you are on, the US is clearly in one of the most fundamental debates on the role of government in a long, long time. Passions are high. Rhetoric is flying. Fears abound. Yet neither side wants to budge - 'tough' rules the day.

Which may be the only salvation.

There are no simple solutions left. And the realization is starting to sink in. Lou Gerstner once said, "No institution will go through fundamental change unless it believes it is in deep trouble and needs to do something different to survive." Andy Grove said it differently: "only the paranoid survive."

Survival ruled the day at IBM. It did in Greece. And it will in the US.

The question is, does survival rule the day at your organization?

If not, get tough.

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